Inspire 50lbs Weight Stack Upgrade

Inspire 50lbs Weight Stack Upgrade
Inspire 50lbs Weight Stack Upgrade
Blown through your stack? If you’re a dedicated heavy lifter with no more places to put your pin, here’s 50 LB (or more) of good news!
The Inspire Fitness 50 LB Stack Add-on offers the extra weight to make your cable-machine workout challenging again. Build up your resistance with five 10 LB heavy-duty metallic alloy plates, designed to last a lifetime. These plates are compatible with the Inspire Fitness M1 and M2 Multi-Gyms, the Inspire Fitness SCS Smith Cage System, and the Inspire Fitness FT1 Functional Trainer. Dual weight-stack machines will require two add-ons (see Specifications). Consult your local dealer about compatibility with other weight-stack machines.
Bring on the bricks!