Progression Chrome Olympic Deadlift Hex Trap Bar 72" - (600 KG - 28 MM)

Progression Chrome Olympic Deadlift Hex Trap Bar 72" - (600 KG - 28 MM)
Progression Chrome Olympic Deadlift Hex Trap Bar 72"
If you're interested in perfecting the form and building the strength you'll need to excel at deadlifts, don't go straight to the straight bar. Start out smart.
The 72" Progression Chrome Olympic Hex Trap Bar may have an unusual shape, but it's all designed to make you a stronger, safer powerlifter. Those who start training with the straight bar run the risk of leaning too far forward and injuring their lower backs. This trap (or "trapezius") bar corrals you in a hexagonal area that promotes the proper straight-up-and-down deadlift motion, taking the strain off of your back.
Correct posture is further encouraged by two sets of knurled handles – one higher and one lower. Lifting from the higher position lets your knees and hips handle the heavy lifting until you've developed the posture and the power to try the lower set of handles. These lower handles are at the same height as the straight bar, but you'll still have an ideal center of gravity to make that deeper hip flexion work for you. You'll also be able to lift more weight earlier than you'd be able to heft using the straight bar, and with more outer sleeve length, you'll have more room to pile on the plates. If you're into shrugs, you can do much heavier sets than you'd expect to do with dumbbells.
In addition to achieving proper form when you graduate to the straight bar, you'll have developed more strength in your posterior chain muscles. You'll have greater grip strength and your hamstrings, glutes, erector spinae muscles, traps, quadriceps and arms will yield more power, speed and explosive athletic movement – meaning more running and jumping ability for sports.
Material: Chrome
Outer Sleeve: Chrome
Total Bar Length: 183 CM /72” (6 FT)
Bar Diameter: 28 MM / 1 ¼”
Bar Weight: 25 KG / 55 LB
Outer Sleeve Length: 282.6 MM / 11 1/8”
Maximum Weight Capacity: 544 KG / 1200 LB