Progression Deadlift Barbell Jack

Progression Deadlift Barbell Jack
Progression Deadlift Barbell Jack
Save the heavy lifting for the actual workout
The Barbell/Deadlift Jack saves time and inconvenience while you switch weight plates on your deadlift bar. With little strain, you can lift both ends of your bar clear of the floor, knowing it can’t slip and you’ll have easy access to slide your plate on. It also protects the weight plates themselves and promotes a tight fit, so you won’t have plates sliding sideways as you attempt your straight-up lift.
This jack has the strength and durability to keep even a fully-loaded bar off the ground for as long as you require. Sturdy cups hold the load firmly in place, so there’s no rolling off at the wrong time. The polypropylene lining protects your bar from scratches and the supports are spaced wide enough apart to prevent any bending that smaller barbell jacks are known for (with heavy loads).