Progression Jammer Arms - (230 Power Cage Upgrade)

$299.00$299.00 $299.00$299.00$299.00$299.00$299.00$299.00$299.00$299.00$299.00 $299.00$299.00$299.00$299.00$299.00 $299.00
Progression Jammer Arms - (230 Power Cage Upgrade)-Machine Attachments-Progression Fitness-1
Progression Jammer Arms - (230 Power Cage Upgrade)-Machine Attachments-Progression Fitness-2
Progression Jammer Arms - (230 Power Cage Upgrade)-Machine Attachments-Progression Fitness-3
Progression Jammer Arms - (230 Power Cage Upgrade)-Machine Attachments-Progression Fitness-4

Progression Jammer Arms - (230 Power Cage Upgrade)

$299.00$299.00 $299.00$299.00$299.00$299.00$299.00$299.00$299.00$299.00$299.00 $299.00$299.00$299.00$299.00$299.00 $299.00


Progression Jammer Arms 

Get the most out of your Progression 230 Power Cage with the Progression Jammer Arms! Load up each peg with Olympic style plate to do single or double arm chest press, shoulder presses, rows and many more! 

(Sold as pair) 

(Use for the 230 Power Cage Only. This Item is Incompatible With Other Cage Systems)



Weight: 15 LB Each

Length: 38"

Width: 2" 6/16th

Pin Hole Size: 1 Inch Front | Half Inch Sides. 

Hardware: Included, Uses Half Inch pin Holes for Mounting Hardware to the 230 Cage System.

WARNING: Purchasing This Upgrade for use on a Cage System Other Than the Progression 230 Power Cage Will Void any Warranty Claims or Possibility of Refund or Exchange.

AbbotsfordBurlingtonCalgary NorthEastCalgary SouthEastEdmonton NorthWest EdmontonKamloopsKelowna - Rocky Mountain Fitness (Flaman Dealer)LangfordLangleyLethbridgeNiskuRed DeerReginaRichmondSaskatoonWoodbridge