TRX Sweat Suspension Trainer

TRX Sweat Suspension Trainer
Are you anywhere right now? Then you’re probably in the exact right spot to reap the full-body benefits of the TRX SWEAT SYSTEM.
If you can see a stable spot nearby to anchor the TRX Sweat Suspension Trainer and you have as little as 60 seconds to set up, you could \start working on your cardio, recovery or core-focused training goals. Just find your spot and the TRX SWEAT SYSTEM allows you to leverage your own bodyweight in a total-body workout that’s scientifically proven to activate more muscles and deliver more results in less time.
Properly used, this system can help users of any age or fitness level pursue their goals. TRX chose its seven foundational movements – push, pull, plank, lunge, hinge, squat and rotate – on the basis of getting you taking you to your goals in less time – transforming the way you look, feel and think.
MD Buddy X-Mount
Handles: Dense Foam for Comfort and Durability
Door Anchoring: Yes
Suspension Anchoring: Yes
Carabiner: Safety tested and rated for >700 lbs.
Foot Cradle: Padded and adjustable for various foot sizes