My Review Of The New Bowflex TreadClimber TC100
Let me start by saying I have had my model the TC10 for three years, its the model I lost all my weight with, its the model I continued to use after my weight loss. In the three years I have had my treadclimber not once did I have any issues with it. So when the new upgraded models were released in December of 2015 I didn't 'need' a new model but I love this machine so much that I couldn't wait to have one! So to start if your wondering if I think the TC10 is a great option, 100% I will always love that machine.
The TC100 arrived in 2 large boxes. My gym is down in the basement so we just opened the boxes in the garage and carried the pieces down. Lorne needed my help with pushing the treads onto the base and then the rest he set up by himself. Lorne said the directions were very straight forward and it took an hour and a half.
First Impression:
This machine is quite larger then my previous TC10. It is wider, the treads are longer, and higher off the ground. But wow is it also prettier! The screen display, the larger buttons, the larger cup holders, how it is mostly black. The machine aesthetically is just A . When I first stood on the machine I noticed the structure felt solid, and not that the TC10 wasn't but just I could feel the differences or the improvements.
This machine has all the bells and whistles and then some.
- Chandell
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