The Truth About Breakfast
Healthy eating begins with breakfast. Breakfast gives you fuel to start your day and keep you going until lunch. It is often said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, yet it is also the most often missed. Whatever your reason/excuse, start eating breakfast tomorrow!
Eating breakfast is associated with other healthy behaviours such as choosing healthy snacks and meals later in the day. People who skip breakfast are more likely to have a higher BMI (body mass index) or be overweight/obese compared people who eat breakfast 1. Oddly enough, people often skip breakfast in an attempt to lose weight. If you miss this opportunity for fuel, you may get so hungry that you overeat later in the day. When you let yourself get too hungry you are more likely to grab for immediate satisfaction (fat, salt, or sugar) and end up consuming more calories than you would have had in a healthy breakfast.
If you currently aren't a breakfast/morning eater you can gradually increase your intake as your hunger improves. Start with something small like a piece of fruit to get your metabolism going and create a habit for yourself. A great way to get the nutrients you need is to choose from at least three of the four food groups at breakfast. This could be whole wheat toast, peanut butter, and a banana, or granola, yogurt, and berries. If you don`t like “breakfast" foods, you can choose other options such as leftovers or a sandwich. You can plan the night before if you know you will be rushed in the morning.
Set a good example for your family and start changing your eating habits today!
Stephanie Wheler, RD
Something Nutrishus Counselling & Coaching
1Affenito, S. JADA 2007;107(4): 565-569
Category: Your Fitness Resource